How Much Does Virtual Production LED Video Walls Cost?

Virtual LED video walls have become the most popular tool for filming and stage performances. Compared with traditional green background screens, XR LED video walls have great benefits, but their prices are relatively high. For many users who are new to this field, they are confused about  virtual LED video wall system cost and urgently need to know the price. However, a virtual Production LED video wall system is not a simple thing. SigtLED will deeply analyze the various costs of building a virtual LED video wall to help you better plan your budget and project.

Difference between green background screens and virtual screens

First, let’s take a brief look at the difference between green background screens and virtual screens.

AspectGreen ScreenVirtual LED Wall + XR Virtual Production
Cost EfficiencyHigher post-production costs for VFX rendering and editingLower costs due to reduced software rendering and VFX labor, saving ~25% of total costs
Immersive ExperienceLimited immersion, actors rely on imagination3D LED wall creates immersive environments, enabling direct interaction with virtual scenes, enhancing actor experience and realism
Scene FlexibilityLimited to pre-built sets or backgroundsHigh flexibility; supports importing regular images, 360° panoramas, videos, 3D models, and external camera feeds, allowing for seamless scene changes
Visual AccuracyReflections and light interactions require additional VFX workMore precise reflections, highlights, and bounces on reflective materials like costumes, resulting in finer details and realism
Setup ComplexityModerate to high, depending on set size and complexityHigh initial setup, but easier adjustments and changes during production
ScalabilityLimited scalability for large-scale or complex scenesHighly scalable, supporting large-scale environments and intricate visual effects
Human InteractionLimited to physical props and set designEnhanced human-environment interaction, enabling actors to respond naturally to virtual elements
Environmental ControlLighting and environment conditions may varyGreater control over lighting, color, and environment conditions, leading to more consistent footage
Future TrendsTraditional method, gradually being replaced by advanced technologiesEmerging technology, seen as the future of broadcast and film production due to its flexibility, efficiency, and realism
Industry AdoptionStill used in many productions but decliningRapidly gaining popularity and expected to become the norm in the future

Next, let’s take a look at the various hardware components and related costs of XR LED video walls system.

LED screen for Virtual Production hardware cost

When we delve into the hardware cost, we have to carefully consider each component. Because they not only affect the overall budget of the project, but also directly affect the quality of the final display effect and the audience’s experience.

LED Video wall cost

Virtual Production LED Video Wall

As the core display carrier of the XR video wall system, the performance parameters of the LED screen directly determine the clarity, brightness, color saturation and viewing angle of the picture. For professional applications, such as large virtual stage performances and shooting studios. You should choose at least P2.6 high-resolution, high-refresh rate (such as 3840Hz to 76800Hz) LED display screens. Only such a high-resolution and high-refresh rate screen can ensure smooth and smooth images without ghosting, while supporting 4K and even 8K ultra-high-definition resolutions, bringing shocking visual enjoyment to the audience.

Size and resolution: Depending on the size of the venue and the viewing distance, the size of the LED screen can range from a few square meters to hundreds of square meters. The resolution of your virtual production LED screen needs to be customized according to specific needs. Common pixel pitches include P1.5, P2, P2.6, etc.

Cost and budget: The cost of a virtual production LED wall varies with its size, resolution and brand. P1.5 to P2.6 LED screens range from about US$2,000 to US$3,000 per square meter. Therefore, the cost of making a large custom virtual production LED stage may be as high as 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Camera Equipment

For the application scenario of LED video wall for virtual production, you should consider the resolution, frame rate, low-light performance and lens quality when selecting the camera.

Resolution and frame rate: At least 4K (3840×2160) resolution should be supported, and the frame rate is recommended to reach 60fps or higher to ensure video smoothness and detail clarity.

Low-light performance: In low-light environments, excellent low-light performance can reduce noise and retain more details.

Lens and zoom: You should choose the appropriate lens type (such as wide-angle, telephoto) and zoom capability according to shooting requirements to cope with different scenarios.

Cost and budget: The price of a professional-grade camera ranges from US$2,000 to US$3,000 per unit, and high-end models can even reach more than US$5,000, depending on the brand, functions and configuration.

Lighting Equipment

If you want to buy a perfect virtual production environment, then don’t ignore the importance of lighting equipment in creating atmosphere and enhancing visual effects. For virtual production LED video walls system, a professional and well-configured lighting system can effectively enhance the layering and three-dimensional sense of the picture.

Lighting type: Common lighting includes LED lights, spotlights, soft lights, etc., each type has its own unique uses and effects.

Brightness and color temperature: Adjust the brightness and color temperature of the light according to the scene requirements to achieve the ideal visual effect.

Control and intelligence: Modern lighting systems mostly support standard protocols such as DMX512, which facilitates centralized control and intelligent management.

Cost and budget: Although the cost of high-quality lighting equipment is not as high as that of LED screens and cameras, an LED lamp is about $100-$300, but a complete lighting solution still costs between $1,000 and $3,000.

Computer system

The virtual LED system needs to generate a large amount of data. A powerful computer system is the key to processing complex video content, real-time rendering and smooth playback. Your computer system should at least meet the following requirements:

Processor and graphics card: We recommend a computer with a high-performance multi-core processor (such as Intel Core i7/i9 or AMD Ryzen series) and a professional-grade graphics card (such as NVIDIA Quadro or AMD Radeon Pro series).

Memory and storage: In addition, please choose a large-capacity RAM (at least 16GB, 32GB or higher recommended) and a high-speed SSD hard drive to significantly improve system response speed and data processing capabilities.

Cost and budget: The price range of a computer that meets the above requirements is roughly between $1,000  and $3,000 , depending on the configuration and brand.

In summary, the hardware cost of building a virtual production LED video wall is a complex consideration process. We have listed the unit price of some equipment, but the total price needs to be comprehensively evaluated and selected based on specific needs, budget and site conditions.

Software cost: the intelligent engine of the virtual LED video wall

In the process of building a virtual production LED video wall, software is not only a bridge connecting hardware and creative content, but also the key to achieving complex visual effects and efficient system management. The choice of software and cost considerations are directly related to the flexibility, scalability and ultimate user experience of the project.

Free software: exploration and limitations of basic functions

For users with limited budgets or who only need basic functions, you can find a low-cost solution from free open source software. They can meet some basic video processing, lighting control and camera calibration needs.

However, free software is often accompanied by usage restrictions, such as limited functions, insufficient technical support, and the need to purchase additional licenses for commercial use. In addition, due to the openness of open source software, security and stability may also become potential risk points.

Paid software: professional and customized guarantee

For virtual LED video wall systems that pursue efficient system management, we recommend that you give priority to paid software. Developed by a professional counterpart team, they can support complex video processing algorithms, real-time rendering technology, multi-channel synchronous control, and collaborative work between multiple computers, providing comprehensive technical support for the project. As for the software cost, it needs to be customized according to your actual project needs, and the cost may range from US$10,000 to US$50,000.

Installation cost: the key link in building a virtual production LED video wall

When planning a virtual production LED video wall project, please do not ignore the installation cost. It not only affects the overall budget of the project, but also directly relates to the stability, security and future maintenance convenience of the system. The installation cost of the virtual production LED video wall varies depending on the choice.

Self-assembly: the balance between customization and cost

For a technical background users or pursuing complete customization, you can purchase the virtual production LED video wall system accessories by yourself. Then you can hire some professional technicians to install each part, and you only need to coordinate. Generally speaking, the commissioning salary of a person is between US$100 and US$300 per day. It takes about 10 people and more than 2 days of cooperation. Therefore, the cost of your self-assembly is about US$2,000 to US$6,000.


High customization: You can flexibly choose the installer according to the project requirements to achieve personalized customization.

Cost control: By purchasing and assembling by yourself, you can better control costs and avoid unnecessary waste.

Technical mastery: The assembly process is also an opportunity to learn and master new technologies, which is of great benefit to improving the user’s technical capabilities.


Hardware compatibility: Please ensure the compatibility between the selected hardware to avoid compatibility issues that may cause the system to fail to operate normally.

Technical difficulty: Please evaluate whether your technical ability is sufficient to complete the assembly and debugging work, and seek help from professionals if necessary.

Backup plan: You can develop a backup plan to deal with possible hardware failures or software problems to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

Professional installation service: Professional and safe guarantee

For users who lack technical experience or want to ensure the quality of installation, hiring a professional virtual LED display system installation team is undoubtedly a wiser choice. With rich experience and professional skills, they can complete the installation work more efficiently and accurately, and provide you with subsequent technical support and maintenance services. The installation cost varies depending on the complexity of the project, generally ranging from $5,000 to $10,000.


Professional skills: The quality and efficiency of the installation work are higher.

Safety guarantee: Professional installation can reduce the risk of safety accidents.

Subsequent support: They can usually provide a certain period of follow-up technical support and maintenance services, and when you encounter problems during use, they can be solved in a timely manner.

Parameters and considerations:

Team qualifications: Please choose an installation team with relevant qualifications and rich experience.

Service content: clarify the specific content and scope of the installation service, including preliminary planning, installation and commissioning, technical training and follow-up support.

Maintenance cost: the key to ensure that the virtual production LED video wall continues to shine

In the life cycle of the virtual production LED video wall, maintenance cost is also an important link that cannot be ignored. In order to ensure the long-term stable operation of the equipment, you need to invest certain resources and funds

Regular maintenance: the cornerstone of ensuring the health of the equipment

Regular maintenance is the key to keeping the virtual LED video wall running efficiently. You can maintain screen cleaning, equipment status detection, and necessary adjustments and optimizations. As the core component of the video wall system, the cleaning of the LED screen is particularly important. Impurities such as dust and dirt will not only affect the clarity of the picture, but may also cause damage to the screen. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly clean the screen professionally.

Cost estimation:

Cleaning cost: Depending on the size and number of screens, the cleaning cost usually ranges from US$2,00 to US$500. For large projects, it may be necessary to hire a professional cleaning team to complete the work. Professional cleaning costs usually range from $1,000 to $2,000

Inspection costs: You should regularly check the operation of key components such as connection lines, power supply, control system, etc. This part of the work can be done by internal technicians or entrusted to professional maintenance service providers. Inspection costs vary depending on the complexity of the project and the content of the service, but usually do not exceed $1,000.

Parts replacement: Over time, some parts in the virtual production LED video wall may need to be replaced due to wear, aging or technology updates. These parts include but are not limited to LED modules, power supplies, control cards, and related electronic components.

Cost estimation:

LED modules: LED modules are one of the most vulnerable parts in the video wall. Generally speaking, the replacement cost of a single modules range from $100 to $500 per unit. For large video walls, replacing multiple modules will be a considerable expense.

Power supply and control card: The replacement cycle of the power supply and control card is relatively long, but once a failure occurs, it will directly affect the operation of the entire system. The cost of replacing these parts depends on the specific model and supplier, and is usually around $1,000.

Power consumption: economic considerations for long-term operation

The power consumption cost of the virtual production LED screen system is also a long-term huge bill when it is running at high brightness, high resolution and long time. In order to reduce power costs, you can take a series of energy-saving measures, such as optimizing screen brightness, using high-efficiency power supplies, and reasonably arranging usage time.

Cost estimation:

Power costs: Taking a medium-sized virtual LED video wall as an example, if it runs for 10 hours a day, the power consumption per hour ranges from about hundreds of watts to thousands of watts (depending on the equipment configuration), then the annual power cost may be between thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of dollars.

Comprehensive considerations: Strategies to reduce maintenance costs

In order to reduce the maintenance cost of the virtual LED video wall, you can follow these strategies:

Choose high-quality equipment: better durability and stability, reduce failure rate and number of repairs.

Reasonable planning and use: Reasonably arrange the use time and brightness settings of the equipment to avoid excessive use and waste of power resources.

Establish maintenance files: Establish detailed equipment maintenance files to record the time, content, cost and other information of each maintenance in order to analyze and optimize the maintenance plan.

Train internal technicians: Train or hire professional technicians to carry out daily maintenance and management of equipment to reduce dependence on external services.

Building a virtual production LED video wall System Total Cost

We have listed the cost of each part. However, the different sizes and scales system cost varies greatly, so we will give a reasonable budget range.

Cost of small virtual production LED video wall:

The total cost of a small virtual LED video wall project is approximately between $10,000 and $30,000.

Cost of medium-sized virtual production LED video wall:

Taking into account the costs of hardware, installation, debugging and maintenance, the total cost of a medium-sized virtual LED video wall project is approximately between $50,000 and $100,000.

Cost of large virtual production LED video wall:

For large virtual production LED video wall projects, the total cost starts at $100,000 and may even reach millions of dollars.

Renting a virtual production LED video wall price

If you cannot afford the above high costs, you can also consider renting a virtual production video wall system. We use a case in Beijing, China as a reference, and the cost is approximately as follows.

Assume a studio with a total area of ​​1,300 square meters, divided into five studios and studios of different sizes.

  • Virtual Studio 1 (Green Shed) 300 square meters costs 5,000 yuan per day;
  • Virtual Studio 2 (Green Shed) 160 square meters costs 3,000 yuan per day;
  • LED Large Screen Studio 3 300 square meters costs 5,000 yuan per day;
  • LED Studio 4 350 square meters costs 10,000 yuan per day;
  • LED Studio 5 500 square meters costs 16,000 yuan per day;

They also provide technical support services, such as: channel camera equipment, director services, keying services, camera services, audio services, makeup services, on-site directors, editors, lighting services, virtual scene production, editing services, teleprompters, live streaming, hosting services, etc.; you can freely plan the setting and shooting to produce more types of programs.

The above is the rental price of virtual production LED video wall in China, but considering that China is more affordable, if you are not in China, you will have to pay at least 1.5-3 times the price to get the same service.


The cost of building virtual virtual production LED video wall is a very complex issue. If you are a professional team who wants to build an efficient LED screen for XR system by yourself. And you are looking for a high-quality virtual production LED screen. SightLED can provide professional solutions. If you are interested, please feel free to consult.

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